Coach: Amy Helm Trainer: Peter Kench Manager: Sian Kench What an outstanding 2020 season our team had, making it all the way to the grand final! This is an amazing achievement as half of our team can be playing in this same division next year. The girls improved so much over the season and the skills and talent this team showed was outstanding.
They were full of excitement from the get go. I loved seeing their little smiles at training and especially on game day. The one thing I really wanted this team to be able to do by the end of the season was to run onto the ball, and it didn't take them long to pick it up. By game three our little girls blew everyone away by catching the ball while moving forward, and then passing the ball to their support player who was also moving forward. It was the best thing I had ever seen. It made me so proud.... and that was only the beginning.
The girls worked so hard on their skills in attack and defence at training and our kicking improved too. We were lucky enough to scrape into the grand final, and the girls saved their best game for last.
The grand final was by far the best game these girls have ever played. When we played De La Salle in the round games, they absolutely smashed us. But in the grand final, the girls line defence was outstanding. It was a real battle on the field, and the girls never gave up. Unfortunately, the girls went down to De La by only 8 points. It was a fantastic game to watch.
Thank you to all the parents for getting the girls to training and games. A big thank you to my manager and trainer Sian and Peter Kench. You guys did an amazing job.
I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to coach these outstanding athletes. It was a real honour!
Best & Fairest: Joscelyn Lemke
Coaches Award: Sienna Moar
Most Improved: Anneliese Holmes